TechTalk 8.3.2022

Please join us at the first TechTalk on 8.3.2022 where Modularization expert Jonathan Fogelquist from SAM will give an overview of how your company can benefit from a modular approach.

Please join us at the first TechTalk on 8.3.2022 @Campus Allegro, Jakobstad where Modularization expert Jonathan Fogelquist from SAM will give an overview of how your company can benefit from a modular approach.

Due to the corona situation in Ostrobothnia the TechTalk has been postponed from 12th of January to 8th of March 2022.


• What is modularization and why is it important
• Examples from different companies and industries
• How it affects all processes and functions in the organization
• Suggestions on the best way to start your journey to modularize your product offering.
• Questions and discussion

During the talk there will be coffee and snacks. The language of the event will be English and Swedish.

Target audience: This is a seminar for big and small companies, managers, engineers, designers and developers, and as well students and teachers.

We follow the COVID-19 restrictions present at the time of the seminar.

More information can be found here.

Please register to the event no later than 1.3.2022.

Questions? Please contact Jimmy Nymark, Centria


From a cost efficiency perspective, most people would agree that the best thing would be to eliminate varia-
tion everywhere in the company. A company completely ruled by this idea – standardization – would produce
one product for all customers. However, most people would also agree that this strategy in most cases would
leave the company with too few – or not very satisfied – customers. Offering no variation at all simply means
neglecting the fact that customers are different from each other. At the other extreme, developing an entirely
new product for each individual customer is usually not feasible either, as it would incur tremendous costs.
Ideally, you would like to combine a rich variation offered to the market with a low internal cost of complexity.
Modularization offers exactly that – rich ends from simple means – a pattern found everywhere in natural

The phrase ‘rich ends from simple means’ reveals that modularization is as much about the commercial/
external side of the business as it is about the industrial/internal side. This means that most parts of the
company will be involved in – or affected by – a new modularized product program. It is therefore important
that management is involved in order to facilitate the changes that are needed.

What is the potential for modularization and what are the possibilities and readiness in the organization?

Your modularization initiative can start in many ways:
• Customer needs analyses can tell you how well your products cover different customer needs in the market.
• Common product structure drafts can inspire ideas of how to transform your product program into some –
thing more coherent.
• Commonality analyses can offer insights on how different products differ from each other.
• Cost of complexity analyses reveal the extent to which e g the amount of part numbers drive cost in differ-
ent parts of the organization

Centria University of Applied Sciences’ RoboTry project (1.6.2021-31.5.2022) aims to produce information and
concrete solutions about new generation robotics and it’s applicability in production companies of various
businesses at Ostrobothnia region for recovery of COVID-19 recession and developing the business. The proj-
ect is funded by ERDF.

Centria’s technology transfer concept is used as a tool of development. It includes the rapid technology trials
and demonstrations within the companies and piloting with the mobile robots and devices. reference solu –
tions are created for different businesses and the knowledge is shared to the companies of the area to sup-
port their investment decisions. There are cobots and mobile robots at use for different tasks. the solutions
can also be demonstrated by simulations.

Any questions? Please contact